Many of our patients experience tooth loss, and while dentures can provide a solid solution for missing teeth, there’s still a maintenance routine that needs to be done to extend the life of dentures and protect overall oral health. At my Chapel Hill dental office we want all of our patients to get the most out of their dentures, so we’re here to talk about the dos and don’ts of proper denture care.
Why is Proper Care Important ?
Not only does proper denture care protect your investment in a tooth replacement option, but it also helps keep your mouth and any remaining teeth healthy. If dentures are not well taken care of, it could lead to an uncomfortable fit and even some serious oral health concerns. When a proper denture care routine isn’t followed, plaque particles can collect and lead to chronic bad breath, gum disease, and tooth loss of any remaining teeth.
How to Extend the Life of Your Denture
There are some common dos and don’ts of denture care that can either prolong the life of your denture or cause complications.
For additional information on denture care, or to see if they’re a solution for you, give my dental office in Chapel Hill a call. We’ll work with you to see if dentures are right for you and discuss any and all treatments available.
Accepting patients from Chapel Hill, Durham, and Pittsboro.